Achilles’71 Try-Outs in June!

Starting in June we’ll have try-outs for all our senior teams! check the dates and times on the images below for the exact details!

Every year we use the try-outs for coaches to create their team rosters for the following season(2023-24 in this case). At the same time the try-outs offer players an opportunity each year to meet our coaching line-up for the next season and to show the coaches what they’re capable of in order to secure a spot on one of our competitive teams. Participation in the try-outs is free, and we do not require a sign-up to join the try-outs. However, if you intend to play for any of our teams next seasons we will expect you to sign up as a member of the club afterwards so we can consider you in the build-up of our rosters. Similarly, if you have no intention of potentially joining whatsoever, there is no need to join the try-outs.

A small adjustment this year compared to last year for the men department is that we’re segmenting the try-outs per playing level. Instead of having a number of try-outs with HS1 to HS6 combined, we’ll have a week of try-outs for HS1 and HS2. A week of try-outs for HS3 and HS4 afterwards. Followed by a week of try-outs for HS5 and HS6 and then we round off the month with a week of try-outs for DS1. After each week we’re aiming to have the selection per teams of those week ready.

We’re hoping to see some new and familiar faces come June so that Achilles’71 can be as competitive in the upcoming season as it was in the previous ones! Are you going to bring us to the next level? See you in June!